Suncoast provides services through the State of Florida, Agency for Persons with Disabilities, Home and Community Based Waiver (Big Waiver) and the Florida and Supported Living Waiver (Little Waiver). Suncoast is committed to providing quality services to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities
Please refer to the links on the right for more information about each of the services Suncoast New Options offers.
Suncoast believes all Individuals should be treated with dignity and respect. We believe that Individuals should have a safe place to live that is there own and the freedom to make their own choices. We believe services should be provided in a caring a respectful manner at all times. Through our support and training we will strive for the Individual to become active members of their community while mastering the ability to make informed choices and decisions in the best interest in their lives. We believe the Individuals we serve are our number one priority. Personal choice and individual rights are of the utmost importance. The personal involvement of Individuals served is incorporated in the day-to-day operations. We encourage individuals to attend company management meetings, self-advocacy council meetings and staff employment interviews. Our goal is to empower the Individuals we serve by having them involved in all aspects of the Agency and it’s operations.