Michele is one of the founding members of Suncoast New Options, Inc. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Accounting and is responsible for the Fiscal Accountability and Medicaid Integrity of the Agency. Michele takes great care in billing for medically necessary services as they are outlined on an individual’s Service Authorizations. She is committed to providing the most cost effective services to insure an individual’s budget is able to meet their personal needs for services. Michele is a Board Member of Florida Association of Residential Facilities advocating for public policy change for individuals with disabilities and community agencies that serve them. She is an ardent supporter of the Individual’s Rights. Michele enjoys spending time with Suncoast individuals attending their special activities and events whenever she can.
Christy has a passion for serving Individuals with developmental disabilities as evidenced by her 39 years in the DD field, in the State of Florida. She holds a Masters Degree in Education and Psychology. Christy is responsible for ensuring staff training and staff suitability. She is also responsible for operational and programmatic compliance. Christy is a State of Florida Board Certified Associated Behavior Analyst and is a State Certified Personal Outcome Measures (POM) Trainer and Core Competency and Zero Tolerance Trainer.